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"The show must go on"


Nice to meet you. I am Iliyan Nikolov. I am from Ruse, Bulgaria. I am 20 and currently studying to become a chef at culinary arts institute in Varna.

A little quote that got me through a lot of hard moments in my life. No matter what you do, you must keep going, pushing. The show must go on.

If you scrolled this far...

I would like to welcome you in my website. Feel free to look around, take a quick peek at my photoes or contact me. I would be more than happy to answer. Don't be shy.

Oh and don't forget to follow me in social media.

More about me

I am from Ruse, an amazing city located in the north of the country. Since I was little I always enjoyed being around my parents in the kitchen and that's how my spark ignited.

My favorite section in the kitchen is pastry as I really enjoy doing desserts.

Check some of my work in the "Recipe" section

or just contact me here for more information.

The best chocolate cake

In this recipe I will share a super easy and fast chocolate cake that doesn't have any gluten nor white sugar. Let's go!


1. Egg yolks - 100 gr. (5-6 psc.)

2. Brown sugar (1) - 95 gr.

3. Egg whites - 125 gr. (4-5 psc)

4. Brown sugar (2) - 65 gr.

5. Cocoa powder - 45 gr.

6. Black chocolate 72% - 90 gr.

Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks, slowly adding the brown sugar (2). Melt the chocolate. Mix the yolks with brown sugar (1).

Fold the whites into the yolks in 3 times. Add the sieved cocoa powder. Mix with a silicon spatula. Add some of the mixture into the melted chocolate to temper the eggs. Slowly combine everything.

Spread on a tray with baking paper. Bake in a pre-heated oven on 170 degrees for 13-15 minutes.

Enjoy with your favorite pastry cream, ganache or just by itself.

*Attention* - the cake dissapears 30 minutes after you take it out of the oven. beware of kitchen intruders of all ages! :D

My first ever bonbons! A bit more challenging, but so worth it!

Let's rock!


1. White chocolate - 300 gr.

For ganache:

1. Coconut pureé - 270 gr.

2. Cream - 60 gr.

3. Inverted sugar - 44 gr.

4. White chocolate - 600 gr.

5. Cocoa butter - 24 gr.


Clean the molds with alcohol and cotton. Temper 300 gr. of white chocolate and do the first layer.

For the ganache, mix the pureé, sugar and cream in a pan and heat until 60 degrees. Melt the chocolate and cocoa butter separetely and mix them together. Melting them separetely is required as they have different melting points. Mix everything and blend until smooth. Transfer in a piping bag. Use at 28 degrees.

Fill 3/4 of the molds over the chocolate layer. Using a chocolate paper, close the bonbons with the last layer of chocolate. Refrigerate. 

Share with family and friends or enjoy by yourself, no judgment here! :D

White chocolate and coconut bonbons

Pogacha cotton bread

The perfect recipe for soft, buttery and unique bulgarian cotton bread. Super easy and fast. Are you hungry already? Let's get kneading!


1. Water - 120 ml.

2. Milk - 120 ml.

3. Dry yeast - 7 gr.

4. Sugar - 36 gr.

5. Sunflower oil - 120gr.

6. Flour - 460 gr.

7. Egg - 1 psc

8. Poppy seads/Sesame


Mix the water, sugar, milk and yeast in a sauce pan. Heat very gently until 25-30 degrees. Be carefull not to get it too hot as the spell might not work! Take it of the stove and add 80 gr. of the olive oil. Add the sieved flour. When the dough forms, add salt and knead. Knead for 25-30 min. When the dough is done, rest it for 10 min. Divide into 2 balls. Roll one of the balls thin and cut it in 8. (You can add your favorite topings here) Roll every piece like a croissant. Adjust them into a circle pan or baking mold, taking all the surface, following a patern. Proof the dought until double the size. Egg wash it. Sprinkle with seeds *optional*. Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

When the bread is baked, take it out of the mold and cool it slightly. Serve with "Sharena sol" and honey. May the force be with you once you try it! Addictive content!

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